Round table on transitioning to an aging friendly community in Prince George’s County

Orlene Grant • May 24, 2019

The Juanita C. Grant Foundation (JCGF) in collaboration with Parks and Recreation M-NCPPC convened a Round Table on Transitioning to an Aging Friendly Community (AFC) in Prince George’s County. The impetus for the Round Table was to raise the awareness of the needs of the 60+ fastest growing group of residents (190,000+) in the County and will far outpace the number of millennials. In 2030-Baby Boomers will be older than 65. One in every 5 residents will be retirement age. “Within just a couple decades, older people are projected to outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history,” said Jonathan Vespa, U.S. Census Bureau.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the leader of the international movement to address living the fullest life as one ages. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is the WHO’s US agent. The process to achieve AFC certification is usually 5 years after initial enrollment with AARP.

AARP has 8 domains for AFC status:

Domain 1: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Domain 2: Transportation

Domain 3: Housing

Domain 4: Social Participation

Domain 5: Respect and Social Inclusion

Domain 6: Civic Participation and Employment

Domain 7: Communication and Information

Domain 8: Community and Health Services

Currently in Maryland, Montgomery County, Hyattsville and Baltimore County have achieved AARP AFC status.

AFC Panel members were:

- Theresa Grant MSW- Director of the Pr. George’s Count Area Agency on Aging

- Mayor Candace Hollingsworth -Mayor of Hyattsville which has achieved AFC AARP Certification

- Kipling Reynolds, AICP , Div. Chief, Community Planning, M-CPPC, Pr. George’s County Planning Dept.

- Claudia Throne, PhD, LISW, LCSW , Consultant to the Age-Friendly DC Project.

The discussion was moderated by S. Orlene Grant, RN, MSN President and Founder of JCGF with opening and closing summary remarks by Kofi Impraim, MBA, Facility Director, Laurel -Beltsville Senior Activity Center. Summary recommendations are being developed and will be shared with Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks.

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